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Riot Fitness

by: Ryan & Tamara

Working to help others live a healthy life while treating the planet right for a healthy tomorrow.  Transitioning to meatless. Cruelty Free, Eco-Friendly. Chronic animal adopters.
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Check out all our favourite clean eating recipes on our blog!

About Us

We're all about living our best life.

We met in high school and have been together for over 15 years.  Our passions in life are centred around helping those in need, be it animals, or people.  

We love spending time outdoors in nature, hiking and camping.  Our passion is in helping protect the environment, decrease our carbon footprint and help animals in need.  We are currently working towards a meat-free nutrition plan, but aren't putting any labels on our eating style.

Ashley, Riot Fitness Challenger

Guys… I’m down almost 10lbs from the start of Shaun Week!  Eating right makes a HUGE difference!  I’ve done the first month of insanity twice and only saw a 5 lbs loss in the whole month because I thought as long as you controlled your portion size it didn’t matter.  Clearly I was wrong! *

Allyson McGuigan, coach,

Allyson, Riot Fitness Coach

“One year ago I wasn’t even coaching, I was terrified!!!  If you said I’d be going to Punta Cana this year, be on the priority list for Mexico, hit Success Club 10 monthly or be a diamond coach, I would have called you crazy!

By just STARTING, putting myself out there, leaving my comfort zone (over and over), setting big goals and being consistent with my vital behaviours, here I am!

YOU can do it too!! “

Root Challenge results

Cassie, Riot Fitness Challenger

Hey Ryan, I just wanted to say thank you for all your and Tamara’s support and adding me to your team.  I am finally getting back to my old self.  I lost 6 pounds last week, and 7.4 this week.  This means more than you know.  You are a great coach and I really appreciate it! *

* Results may vary. Exercise and proper diet are necessary to achieve and maintain weight loss and muscle definition. Consult your physician and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program or using any supplement or meal replacement product. The testimonials featured may have used more than one Beachbody product or extended the program to achieve their results. The information on our Web sites is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace the advice of a healthcare professional. If you experience any pain or difficulty with exercises or diet, stop and consult your healthcare provider.

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© 2016 by Ryan Berry, Riot Fitness - 902.401.2327   - 610 Wright Avenue, Dartmouth, NS, B3B0H8

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